To build an inclusive ecosystem of government bodies, private sector companies, social impact organisations and citizens of Telangana, with a shared goal of mobilising resources for the development of people, community and the environment.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Telangana Social Impact Group (T-SIG), an initiative of the Government of Telangana is a step towards reinforcing the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in corporates, inspiring them to channelize their CSR funds into the most imminent fields, thereby enhancing the quality and quantity of CSR investment.
T-SIG shall function as the single point of contact and provide our corporate partners with all the necessary information and hand-holding related to the projects they wish to implement.
To build an inclusive ecosystem of government bodies, private sector companies, social impact organisations and citizens of Telangana, with a shared goal of mobilising resources for the development of people, community and the environment.
To leverage public data from across the stakeholders combined with frequent one-on-one and group engagements with the industry, government and implementing partners. A high-level panel will also be set up under whose guidance we will be screening and acknowledging the most active and impactful CSRs annually. The strategy is simple - to motivate collaborations for maximising the impact of CSR investments in the state.
- Be a catalyst for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for the state of Telangana by 2030
- Develop and execute a framework for partnerships between various agents as per sustainable development goal number 17
- Identify, review, support and audit local implementation agencies for sustainable development
- Attract, mobilise and incentivise financial investments into inclusive and sustainable development projects from local, national and international organisations
- Promote knowledge and expertise sharing for capacity building of implementation agencies
- Operationalise the use of technology, science and innovation to enable innovative sustainable development projects
- Measure the effectiveness of this multi-stakeholder partnership and use the information to create policies that enable financial, social, trade and technological development
Three-pronged Approach
- CSR Portal: The official website of T-SIG vets projects and facilitates interaction, cross-collaboration, fund-raising and volunteer recruitment for all stakeholders.
- Focus Group Meetings: These meetings provide a forum for one-on-one closed working groupengagements. The meetings are organized around specific themes, enabling relevant stakeholders to have meaningful focus group discussions.
- Annual Recognition Event: Each year, T-SIG will be hosting a rewards and recognition event to acknowledge the most active and impactful CSRs within the state of Telangana.
Key Achievements of T-SIG:
- Act as a single-window cell for all CSR related activities in the state
- Established network of 180 companies, 280 civil society organisations, 33 government departments and district collectors and 12 trade associations and aggregators
- Facilitated 71 CSR projects benefiting 40 Lakhs of people in Telangana
- Organised 18 Closed Door Round Table Meetings with corporates and government officials
- Engaged 2,500 employees through Employee Engagement programs and hosted 75 CSR events
- Assisted companies to formulate their CSR policies
- As the official Telangana Covid-19 Coordination Centre, benefitted 25 lakhs of people during the lockdown period in 2020
- Supported 35,000 migrants travel to hometown through buses, trains and flights in 2020
- Partnered with CSRBox for events leading to national level conversations
- Conducted needs assessment of districts of Telangana to formulate priority areas of the state
*All figures pertain to 2018-2020
Social Media
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We are thrilled at the response from few corporate leaders for joining the initiative and we hope to see many more industry partners onboard soon.
Sri Jayesh Ranjan, IAS
Principal Secretary Department of Information Technology, Electronics & Communications (ITE&C) and Department of Industries & Commerce